We are glad to announce that we have released the addon GSheetConnector for Caldera Forms for users to download free on 14th October 2020. You can caldera forms a free version from here


This plugin is a bridge between your WordPress Caldera Forms forms and Google Sheets.



When a visitor submits his/her data on your website via Caldera Forms, upon form submission, such data are also sent to Google Sheets.
It allows adding a new processor to Caldera Forms, that enables sending of submitted forms to Google Sheets.

CHECK LIVE DEMO of Caldera Forms GSheetConnector

Demo URL: https://calderasheets.gsheetconnector.com/

Google Sheet URL to Check submitted Data


Caldera Forms Google Sheet Connector using API version 4.0
You are required to simply add Sheet Name, Sheet ID, Tab Name, Tab ID and arrange columns manually in Google Sheet


In Google Sheets
➜ Log into your Google Account and visit Google Sheets.
➜ Create a new Sheet and name it.
➜ Rename the tab on which you want to capture the data.

In WordPress Admin
➜ Create or Edit the Caldera Forms form from which you want to capture the data. Set up the form as usual in the Form and Mail etc tabs. Thereafter, go to the new “Google Sheets” tab.
➜ On the “Google Sheets” tab, copy-paste the Google Sheets sheet name and tab name into respective positions, and hit “Save”.

In Google Sheets
➜ In the Google sheets tab, provide column names in row 1. The first column should be “date”. For each further column, copy-paste mail tags from the Caldera Forms(e.g. “your-name”, “your-email”, “your-subject”, “your-message”, etc).
➜ Test your form submit and verify that the data shows up in your Google Sheet.