Are you concerned to find the best WordPress contact plugin? Not sure which contact form plugin is best for your site out of 1625+ contact form plugin.

Here I am going to share the top 3 contact forms for WordPress plugin with its PROs and CONs.

As well we test all add-ons of each contact form plugin, so here you will get top contact forms plugin and their most popular and useful add-ons.

Let’s begin with a list of top 3 contact form plugins, which I have tried to list here.

Top 3 Contact Forms for WordPress

  1. Gravity Forms
  2. WPForms
  3. CF7

1) Gravity Forms

Gravity forms are the easiest, most trusted contact form to Create Advanced Forms for Your WordPress-Powered Website. It comes with various pricing structure. Multi-page forms are an unbeatable feature, as well it is giving your customers a chance to fill out extensive forms and view how much longer they have until completion. Most of the contests use gravity forms to collect participant entries because in this contact form you can limit your entries if you want to accept limited people entry.

Gravity Forms Pricing started at $59 (for a single website) to $259 (for unlimited website).

Gravity Forms PROs

  • Gravity Forms allows users to customize contact forms by using simple drag and drop features.
  • By using additional add-ons, Gravity Forms can be used to create surveys, quizzes, user-submitted content, web directory and much more.
  • Gravity Forms provide premium support options like FAQs, knowledgebase, forums, and email support.

Gravity Forms CONs

  • Gravity forms do not offer a free version of their contact form plugin. so, it can be a bit more expensive than other WordPress contact form plugins.

Best Gravity Forms Add-ons

We tried lots of add-on Gravity Forms for custom contact forms, made quizzes and a lot more. But very important is contact forms entries saving.

According to us, GSheet Connector for Gravity Forms add-on is the best plugin to save Gravity Contact forms all entries to Google Sheets automatically.

2) WPForms

WPForms is the most popular wordpress contact plugin by Syed Balkhi, Owner at WPForms plugin is beginner-friendly and easy to use. Nowadays, almost all the WordPress platforms use WPForms contact form plugin on their website.

WPForms is the first contact form plugin, which provides drag and drop facility and custom design.


WPForms PROs

  • WPForms provides a FREE Lite version on the official WordPress website, you can install the FREE plugin as many as the site you want at FREE of cost.
  • WPForms has easy to use drag and drop functionality to build custom contact forms.
  • WPForms free version has all the basic contact form features including basic form fields, captcha for spam protection, email notifications, and a thank-you page for form confirmation.
  • WPForms pro also comes with other powerful form fields and features like smart conditional logic, file upload, geo-location, signature feature, form abandonment, user-submitted content (post submissions), login and user registration for WordPress, and over 150+ pre-made form templates.
  • You can see all your form submissions in WordPress dashboard as well as get customized email notifications when someone fills out the form.

WPForms CONs

  • If you are using the FREE lite version, you need to upgrade to WPForms Pro to unlock more powerful features.

Best WPForms Forms Add-ons

WPForms plugin has all the features, but they don’t have an option to save contact form data. For that they suggest to use Zapier tool, but Zapier is very costly and if you use Zapier only to save your contact form data to Google Drive, I highly recommend you to use GSheet Connector add-on for WPForms. This add-on will help you to save WPForms contact forms data automatically to Google Sheets. This plugin price is definitely lower than Zapier Price.

3) Contact Form 7

CF7 is the most popular and oldest contact form for WordPress. It is the most downloaded contact form plugin in the WordPress directory. Contact Form 7 is a bit hard to use for non-technical people, most of the people now don’t recommend this plugin.

But CF7 plugin works well with all other WordPress plugins like Akismet spam protect plugin, CAPTCHA, Ajax-powered submitting, etc.

Contact Form 7 PROs

  • CF7 plugin is completely FREE, you don’t need to pay anything to use this plugin. You can use this plugin as many sites you want without any cost.
  • All the premium features of WPForms and Gravity Forms are available in this plugin.


  • Contact Form 7 is not for beginners, because its interface is quite difficult to use. As well CF7 plugin builds only simple contact form plugin.
  • Support is limited
  • Official CF7 website doesn’t offer any add-on for this plugin.

Best CF7 Add-on

We tested almost all CF7 add-on, as a result, we found CF7 GSheet Connector is the best add-on of Contact Forms 7. This add-on will help you to store all customers’ contact form information in Google drive.


The plugin in this top 3 contact forms for WordPress article we have mentioned, which will help you to create professional contact forms in your WordPress sites.

As well, we have mentioned the most popular addon of each plugin.

We hope this guide helped you choose the best contact form plugin for the site.

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