Features of CF7 Google Sheet Connector PRO


One of the features you get with the latest Google API is the ability to format content in Google Sheets. when using contact form 7.

Get a list of all the spreadsheets list directly in the dropdown to your contact form’s google sheet settings with one click authentication.

The Configuration of the form to the sheet is very easy. Just follow the steps provided by the plugin and you will get data on the sheet. Refer to the documentation

One-Click to fetch sheets from your authenticated google account.

Make sure you don’t have too many sheets in your google account, otherwise prefer the manual method.

Now, You can click a create a new sheet button, it helps to name and create a sheet directly in your google authorized account.
If in case having an issue selecting the sheet from the dropdown then you can click on adding sheet manually and add sheet name, sheet id, tab name, and tab id. Refer Documentation
It helps to change the order of columns while simply drag and drop options. The ultimate option is given for quickly arranging the columns within WordPress Setting using CF7 Google Sheet PRO Tab under forms.
There may be times when you need more information than just the submitter’s input through contact form fields. For example, you may need to know the submitter’s IP address for security reasons. For such purposes, special mail-tags can be very helpful. Unlike other mail-tags, special mail-tags are independent of form fields or the submitter’s input. You can place these special mail-tags anywhere mail-tags are allowed to be used, such as in the message body or other mail fields. For more Refer Documentation 
Customize Google Sheets headers by freezing, renaming, and adding background colors.
Mostly, users confused or forget about which Gmail account is integrated with GSheet, for security reasons, displayed the authenticated email on the settings page.

In the PRO version, you will get a FULL link to view the attachment directly from Sheet, and it saves within your FTP under Uploads/CFGSHEET directory. So that it can be accessed within your own FTP.


Instantly sync form submissions with Google Sheets in real time, ensuring up-to-the-minute data accuracy.

CF7 database stores CF7 form submissions

GSheetConnector allows a few custom capabilities which will allow the Administrator to better manage access/use of the Google Sheet Tab under contact forms. Capabilities/ Role Management are permissions system. Roles are assigned capabilities that define what that role can do or can’t do. It will show all the roles of the website and you can give access to view the tab for specific roles, to change/modify to connect with sheets.

You Can add multiple Contact Forms of your site to multiple Google Sheets. And can add as many google sheets as forms.
CF7 Google Sheet Connector offers multi-language support.

The CF7 Google Sheet Connector supports multi-site (Network Site) functionality.

One-Click update from your website under the plugin section, make sure to update you must have a valid license key and active subscription.

It supports the latest version of PHP 7.x and WordPress, while also compatible with older versions. However, it’s recommended to use the latest versions of PHP and WordPress for optimal performance and security.

We provide quick support and also help users to configure plugins on their website free of cost. You can contact via online chat given on the website, either you can drop an email at [email protected] along with that complete documentation is available from installing to configure, you can refer step by step guide given in the link

Gallery of CF7 Google Sheet Connector PRO

CF7 GSheetConnector - Sign in wirh Google
Select Google Account
Give Google Drive Permissions
CF7 GSheetConnector - Save Authencation Code
CF7 GSheetConnector - Email Account Connected
CF7 GSheetConnector - Fetch Google Sheets
CF7 GSheetConnector - Debug Log
CF7 GSheetConnector - Google Sheet Pro
CF7 GSheetConnector - Select Google Sheet
CF7 GSheetConnector - Manually Add Google Sheet Details
CF7 GSheetConnector - Field List
CF7 GSheetConnector - Special Mail Tags
CF7 GSheetConnector - Custom Ordering
CF7 GSheetConnector - Additional Fetures
CF7 GSheetConnector - Multi Sheet Connection
CF7 GSheetConnector - Name the Feed and Add Feed
CF7 GSheetConnector - Multi Sheet - Edit Feed
CF7 GSheetConnector - Manual Integrration
CF7 GSheetConnector - Save Client Key and Secret Key
CF7 GSheetConnector - Genrate Authentication Code
CF7 GSheetConnector - Save Manual Client token
CF7 GSheetConnector - Manual Connected Email Account
CF7 GSheetConnector - Enable CF7 Database
CF7 GSheetConnector - CF7 Database - Select Contact Form - Entries
CF7 GSheetConnector - CF7 Database - Select Contact Form
CF7 GSheetConnector - CF7 Database - Send Entry to SpreadSheet
CF7 GSheetConnector - Role Setting

Features of CF7 GSheetConnector Free


Get spreadsheet and Worksheet list directly to your contact form’s google sheet settings with one click authentication.

One of the features you get with the latest API is the ability to format content in Google Sheets. when using contact form 7.

Manual Add the Google Sheet Name & Google Sheet Tab Name.

You must have to set the field name manually using the free version. For more refer to video or reference to documentation.

We provide quick and best support through the wordpress.org support section

The addon plugin is always supported with the latest WordPress versions and various PHP versions. Our team is working hard to update from time to time.

CF7 GSheetConnector Free version is also supporting using multisite.

You Can add multiple Contact Forms of your site to multiple Google Sheets. And can add as many google sheets as forms.

CF7 GSheetConnector Free Version also supports perfectly using various WordPress versions. Available to download in Free, Refer to the given link.

Whenever a plugin is updated on WordPress.org Repository, you’ll see an update option quickly. Highly recommended to use the latest version to solve the compatibility issues.

Gallery of CF7 Google Sheet Connector Free

get code
gsheet connector permission
gsheet connector permission
gsheet connector permission
Activate Google Access Code
Contact form edit
sheet and tab id
Google sheet
google sheet and tab id
view button