In this knowledgebase article, we’ll walk you through how to set up WooCommerce Google Sheet Connector and configure the most important settings on your website – Integration with “Existing Client/Secret Key (Auto Google API Configuration)”
Integration Tab
We have multiple options to select the Google API Settings to connect.
- Use Existing Client/Secret Key (Auto Google API Configuration)
- Use Manual Client/Secret Key (Auto Google API Configuration)
This feature is accessible in both the FREE and PRO versions of the plugin.
Go to WooCommerce dashboard – Google Sheet .
Click the “Sign in with Google” button, which will take you to the authentication page where you’ll be prompted to log in to your Google Account. Please select the Google Account you wish to integrate with.
Please select the Google Account you wish to integrate with.
Select the required permission as per the below image and click on continue.
Where we fetch the Sheets Name and Tabs Name from your account to further help you with the connection of your Woocommerce site and Google Sheet and ask you to provide permission to save, update and delete the data from the connected sheet of your WooCommerce.
These permissions are needed then only the plugin would be able to save the user-submitted data(Order,Product,Customer) to the Google Sheet.
Further, you would be redirected again to the integration page with the authentication code printed in the authentication text box and click on save.
After the code is saved you would be able to see the “Currently Active” in the authentication textbox and the connected Google Account email id below it.
If on saving the code the circle spins check the log.txt file for any auth error by clicking Debug Log “view” link below the authentication input box and let us know by opening up the Support Ticket to help you further
Lastly, click on “Click here to fetch Sheet details to be set at WooCommerce Data settings.” This will fetch all the Sheet and Tab details which would be further used for connecting your WooCommerce with Google Sheets
When all Sheets are fetched ,Select tabs to set in google sheet.
Note: After fetching the sheet details if you create any new sheet or tab in your Google Account, you need to fetch the sheet details again to display the newly created sheet or tab in the list.
If the spinner spins for a long time it means you have more Google Sheets in your account and your web server execution time would be not enough to fetch all details. For this, we have provided manual connection setup as explained further in Manual Connection Setup.
Debug Log
Check Debug Log for Invalid Access Code.
If on saving the code the circle spins check the log.txt file for any auth error by clicking Debug Log “view” link below the authentication input box and let us know by opening up the Support Ticket to help you further.