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Google Sheet Tab Configuration

Once its Integrated as per the above instruction,

You can select the Contact Form you want to link with GSheet, click on edit and navigate to Google Sheet Pro tab.

Now you will see all the sheets from your account in the dropdown, you can select the sheet name where you want to save the fields. (make sure you have to create the google sheet manually from your google account if you create a sheet after authorizing with google, you need to click below to fetch sheets again, where it indicates, Not showing Sheet Name, Tab Name, and Sheet URL Link? Click here to fetch it.)

After Selecting Sheet Name, you will get see the tab name in the second dropdown. Go ahead and select the tab name too.

Another way to integrate

If you want to integrate Google sheet manually, unable to check the box of Enable Manually adding of sheet name and tab name.

Once you will enable it, the Google sheet integrate interface will change. Now you have to add Google Sheet Name, Sheet tab Name, Sheet ID, and Tab ID manually.

google sheet setting in gsheet connector

In this process, you have to fill up all the fields manually.

Copy Sheet name and Tab name, paste in their filed, after that, Copy Sheet ID and Tab ID, paste it in GSheet Connector WPForms.

google sheet and tab id

  • After connecting Google Sheet with add-on, now you have to set up Field List.

Now, you need to configure FieldList.


This guide makes it easy to install WPForms and the WPForms Google Sheet Connector Plugin.

Integration of WPForms with Google Sheet:

After successfully completing the integration with Google with preferred method and configuring the necessary permissions as described in the last article, proceed to your WPForms Google Sheet dashboard – Form Setting. From there, Select the specific Contact Form that you intend to Configure for use with Google Sheets. This will allow you to set up the desired form-to-Google Sheets connection according to your requirements.

Fetch Sheets by clicking on “Click here to fetch it”.

Version 2.2 Update (We have Decrypted these settings, so you’ll see new settings)

Go to the appropriate form Settings >> GSheetConnector Pro and Select “On” to Enable Settings

Go to Contact Form :

Go to WPForms dashboard – All Forms .

Edit Form that you want to configure with Google Sheet.

Feed Setting : 

Now Go to Form Setting , In GSheetConnector Enable Setting : on.

Multi Sheet Connection :

Add New Feed if you want to connect with more than one Google Sheet.

Feel free to add as many feeds as you need to meet your requirements.

Automatic adding Sheet Name & Tab Name : 

Next, you will find both Manual and Automatic Selecting Methods for choosing the sheet you want to work with. If your sheets are not visible in the dropdown menu, you can click on the “Fetch Sheets” link below to retrieve them.

Select Google Sheet & Tab Name and scroll below to configure.

Note : Use Manual Method if You have too much Google Sheets.

Manually adding Sheet Name & Tab Name : 

In Manual Method You have to Manually Add Google Sheet Name , Google Sheet Id , Google Sheet Tab Name & Google Sheet Tab Id.

Add Manually Google Sheet Info like this.

Save & Submit Data.

Form Field :

Enable the fields you wish to view in your Google Sheet by Enabling Fields or Check all to check all the fields.

You can also Rename it.

Request Headers :

Smart Tags are Default Fields like date , time etc.

Add smart tags like this :

  1. click on show smart tags
  2. select smart tag that you want to add.
  3. give name that you want to see in google sheet.
  4. you can add another smart tag like this.

Custom Ordering : 

In Custom Order Setting you can sort fields for Google Sheet.

Freeze Header :

By enabling Freeze Header , Your header will be stick to the top in Google Sheet.

Background Colors :

By enabling Alternate Colors , you can get background colours

  • Header Color : Header Color is for background color for Header.
  • Odd Color : Odd Color is for background color for odd rows.

  • Even Color : Even Color is for background color for even rows.

Sheet Sorting : 

You can Sort Columns in Ascending & Descending order.

Conditional Logic :

The most common use of conditional logic is to show or hide fields in google sheet depending on a user’s selection.

For example, we’ll ask users if they’d like tofill our demo form. However, we only want email address in “@gmail.com” , are they intrested in “Pro Version” & Refrence is “WP Repository”.

if you would like to know more about WPForms Conditional Logic.

Sync to Google Sheet :

Sync to Google Sheet to sync all your entries to google sheet.

Note : You Should have Any Primium Version of WPForms to SYNC Entries with Google Sheet.

Smart Tags Settings

  • We have also enabled other features, like Freeze Headers, and Free Header Color, Odd/Even Rows Color as well

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