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  4. How to Save Uploaded Files to Google Drive

How to Save Uploaded Files to Google Drive

Learn how to save user-uploaded files directly to Google Drive with ease! If your form has an upload field and you need to save these files to a specific folder in your authenticated Google Drive account, follow these simple steps. Setting up Manual Authentication is required to enable this functionality.

Step 1: Set Up Manual Authentication

First, you must have to authenticate using the Manual Authentication Method as shown below.

Save Uploaded Files to Google Drive


On Integration tab Choose Google API Setting :Use Manual Client/Secret Key (Use Your Google API Configuration) and then click save.

Select Storage Location for File Uploads in Google Drive

Once authenticated, you can proceed to configure your form.

Step 2: Configure the Form’s Upload Field

Next, navigate to the form that includes the upload field where you’d like to save files to Google Drive. Beside the upload field, you’ll see options to choose the storage location—either on your local storage or Google Drive.

Select Google Drive and Choose a Folder

  1. Select Google Drive as your storage option.
  2. Once selected, you’ll see all folders in your connected Google Drive.
  3. Choose the specific folder where you want these files saved, and save the settings.

Choose Google Drive Folder for Uploaded Files

That’s it! Now, every file uploaded through this form field will automatically save to your specified Google Drive folder. A link to each uploaded file will also appear in the connected Google Sheet, allowing you to access these files directly.

Uploaded File Link Displayed in Google Sheet

For more information, check out our full guide on saving uploaded files to Google Drive with CF7 GSheetConnector. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].

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