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Plugin Feed Setting – PRO Version

This guide simplifies configuring Feed Settings for the Elementor Form Google Sheet Connector Plugin Pro.

Add Form Feed

Choose this option if you want to connect to multiple Google Sheets. You can add as many feeds as needed to meet your requirements.
In Multi Sheet Connection, you just have to select the form, name the feed, and submit.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Wp-admin > Elementor > Googgle Sheet Connector.
  2. Click on Form Feed Tab and Add Feeds

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Enter the Feed Name, select the form from the dropdown menu, and submit.

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Here you will see that a new feed has appeared . You can edit the feed using the Edit button and delete the feed using the Delete button.

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Edit Form Feed Section

1 )  Google Sheet Settings – (Manual Settings | Auto Settings)

2 )  Field List | Special Mail Tags 

Enable Fields that you want in Google Sheet as header

3 ) Header Management Settings

a) Freeze Header Row –  For Sticky Header In Google Sheet

b) Header – Font Settings – Sheet Header Font Settings – font size, font style, font color

c) Sheet Background Color  – Sheet Header & Row color options

d) Row – Font Settings – Sheet Row font style, font size & color options

Save & Submit Data.

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Manually adding Sheet Name & Tab Name

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In Manual Method You have to Manually Add Google Sheet Name , Google Sheet Id , Google Sheet Tab Name & Google Sheet Tab Id.

Save & Submit Data.

Sync Entries

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Select Date Range:

  • Choose the desired “Start Date” and “End Date” by clicking on the respective fields.
  • Ensure the date range is accurate to sync specific entries.

Use the “Sync Entries” Button:

  • After selecting the date range, click the “Sync Entries” button to begin the synchronization process.

Monitor the Progress

  • Wait for the sync process to complete.
  • Keep an eye out for success messages or error notifications to ensure the sync was successful.
    Verify Synced Entries:

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Verify Synced Entries:

  • Once the sync is complete, review the entries to confirm they are accurate.
  • If any errors occur, check the log files or admin panel to identify and resolve the issue.

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